If you’ve been dedicating the last year to growing your own cannabis, and you’ve recently completed a successful harvest, you’re likely eager to indulge in your homegrown buds. However, it’s crucial to remember that your work is only halfway done. The next steps in the process, including drying, trimming, and curing, are vital to elevate the quality, flavor, and smokability of your freshly grown flowers.
The post-harvest steps, whether you’re a commercial cannabis company or a small-scale grower, are pivotal in ensuring the quality of your crop. Each step in the cannabis post-production process offers various methods and techniques, which can significantly impact the final product. To shed light on the best practices and help home growers maximize their harvest, we spoke with three seasoned cultivators.
Emphasized the importance of post-production, noting that it accounts for 50% of producing high-quality end-products. Rushing the drying process or leaving too much fan leaf on the buds can ruin a visually appealing flower.
Also highlighted the need to adapt post-production methods to the specific genetics of each cannabis strain. Different strains require distinct handling during cultivation and post-production.
After harvesting, the next step is drying your buds. Proper drying is essential not only for preserving and enhancing terpenes but also for preventing mold and bacteria growth. Different cultivators employ various techniques, such as hanging plants upside down in canopies, maintaining specific temperature and humidity levels, and ensuring even airflow in the drying room.
Curing involves placing properly dried cannabis in airtight containers to eliminate harmful bacteria, mold, and chlorophyll. This process contributes to a smoother smoke, retains flavor and terpene profiles, and reduces unwanted chlorophyll. Curing durations can vary, ranging from seven to ten days to as long as 17 to 28 days, depending on factors like bud size.
Trimming involves the removal of sugar and fan leaves from around the bud. It’s a critical step in preserving a product’s shelf-life. The trimming process can vary, with some growers opting for on-stem trimming to minimize handling and disturbance to the trichomes.
Dry Trim vs. Wet Trim:
There’s a debate between dry trimming and wet trimming. Some cultivators prefer dry trimming, while others employ a two-stage method of both wet and dry trimming, adapting their approach to the specific strain.
A Close Shave Vs. Leaving the Leaf:
Preserving the bud structure is a key consideration during the trimming process. While consumers prefer not to see excessive leaf on the buds, it’s equally important not to over-trim. The balance between manicuring the buds and preserving their structure is crucial.
Preserving Terpenes:
Terpenes, the compounds responsible for cannabis strains’ unique aromas and flavors, are essential for crafting a desirable final product. Maintaining terpenes involves careful control of temperature and humidity throughout the post-harvest process.
It’s All About the Humidity:
All three experienced growers stressed the importance of maintaining the correct humidity levels throughout post-production. Proper humidity control, achieved through methods like dehumidifiers and fans, is crucial to preventing mold and preserving the quality of the buds.
Pro Advice for Home Growers:
For home growers, the post-production process is just as critical as it is for commercial cultivators. Proper drying and curing, along with careful trimming, are essential to ensure your hard work results in a high-quality end product. Home growers should create a controlled environment for drying, use glass jars for curing on a small scale, and be mindful of temperature, humidity, and airflow.
Understanding the intricacies of post-production processes in cannabis cultivation can help you appreciate the nuances and craftsmanship that go into producing high-quality cannabis products. Whether you’re a small-scale home grower or a commercial cultivator, the right post-harvest techniques are essential for achieving the best results.